tooth sensitivity Tag

Do you have sensitive teeth? If so, it’s because the dentin inside your teeth has been exposed. Dentin is hypersensitive to hot and cold temperatures as well as extremely sweet or acidic foods and drinks. In this article, we explain what dentin is, and how...

Teeth are put through a lot of strain with everyday biting, chewing, grinding, talking, and aging. To stay strong and healthy, they need regular TLC. This means brushing and flossing daily, and twice-yearly checkups and cleanings. Yet, even with excellent oral care, dental issues still...

At Hicks Dental Group of Prescott, we can’t stress enough how important it is to schedule two dental cleanings per year. Even if you have no apparent symptoms like pain, or hot and cold sensitivity, making time for your biannual visits could prevent tooth decay...

Does flossing or brushing irritate your gums and cause bleeding? Does that cold water or sweet treat every cause you sensitivity? If this is something you can relate to, you have sensitive teeth! Some problems that may cause sensitive teeth in Prescott include: Gum disease Enamel...