Root Canal in Prescott

Root Canal in Prescott - close up of teeth and mouth

Root Canal in Prescott

At Hicks Dental Group of Prescott, we can’t stress enough how important it is to schedule two dental cleanings per year. Even if you have no apparent symptoms like pain, or hot and cold sensitivity, making time for your biannual visits could prevent tooth decay or infection from going undetected. At dental cleanings, in order to make certain your teeth and gums are healthy, we carefully examine those hidden places where bacteria can do the most damage. Then we clean off plaque buildup to keep your teeth clean and strong. Occasionally, certain dental situations may require that patients are treated with a root canal in Prescott to eliminate any pain sensitivity.

What is a root canal?

In the event that you begin to experience pain or hot and cold sensitivity, don’t wait to make an appointment. Your symptoms could mean there are underlying problems that require immediate attention. Occasionally when a tooth is causing pain or sensitivity, Dr. Paul Hicks or Dr. Scott Hicks may recommend a root canal in Prescott. A root canal is a simple procedure to help reduce inflammation, infection, pain, and sensitivity to the teeth. When the roots of the teeth become inflamed or infected, a root canal will remove the inflamed or infected portion inside of the tooth. The area is then cleaned and disinfected, and the canals of your teeth are positioned correctly to prevent further build-up or infection. Finally, in order to make certain that bacteria will be prevented from going deeper into the base of your tooth and spreading to your gums, a filling is placed into the cleaned area.

We understand your life may be filled with family activities, job commitments, and other important priorities, but letting an infection go can be dangerous to your teeth and gums. If you have symptoms, please contact our office and make an appointment for a check up. Meanwhile, for a complete and thorough dental care plan that will help protect your teeth, Hicks Dental Group recommends a well-balanced and nutritious diet, regular brushing and flossing, and scheduling your biannual dental cleanings.

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (11/1/2017)  eltpics (Flickr)