Oral Health

Tartar is actually plaque that has hardened into a cement-like substance. But unlike plaque, which can usually be removed with daily brushing and flossing, tartar needs to be removed by a dental professional. We explain why tartar is so hard to remove, how it damages...

Tooth enamel is stronger than bone, but it is not invincible. Many things can damage it, like plaque buildup, acidic drinks, teeth grinding, and injuries. And since tooth enamel does not grow back, you need to take good care of it.  While brushing and flossing are...

Choices, choices, choices! Looking at the wall of toothbrushes in any store is enough to make your head spin. Picking out a toothbrush can seem like guesswork at times, so here is a little breakdown of toothbrush technology to help you find the right one.  How...