What to Expect When Visiting a Dental Office

what to expect during your dental appointment to our Prescott office - large x-ray of teeth

What to Expect When Visiting a Dental Office

When you visit a new doctor for a checkup, you want to know what to expect. It’s the same with dental offices: you want to know what to prepare for when you visit a new dentist. If it has been a while since you have had time to visit your dentist, or you simply can’t remember what your dentist covers during a visit, we can clear up any confusion. Here’s a list of what to expect during your appointment to our Prescott office at Hicks Dental Group.

What Should You Expect When Visiting Our Dental Office?

If you’re a new patient, prior to your appointment we request that you take the time to acquire any dental x-rays from your previous dentist. These will help us with our initial assessment of your dental health. Then, during your first appointment, we do a thorough examination of the inside of your mouth. We will take note of any cavities and look for issues with your gums or spots on the inside of your mouth or on your tongue, as well as checking for anything else that could cause concern. Looking for cavities and carrying out a full mouth cancer screening are just to make sure your oral health is on track. Then we’ll compare our notes with your former dental records and x-rays in order to develop a method of action for your dental health. In addition to the initial inspection, we’ll also take new x-rays to see if anything has changed since your last dental x-rays were taken. Dental x-rays are important and can show any signs of tooth damage, jawbone damage, teeth growing in at incorrect angles, or any signs of cysts or tumors. Once we’ve got new x-rays, we’ll have all the specific information needed to perform any dental procedures or cleanings. Our Hicks Dental Group office makes it a point to be thorough and detailed in order to make the best recommendations for your treatment. Our attention to details is also a part of good preventative health care that catches any tooth decay or other issues as early on as possible.

It’s important to us that you feel prepared and comfortable with your dentist office visit, whether it is an initial examination or whether actual dental procedures are done at your visit. And after your dental visit, if you still have questions related to your appointment, please give us a call. Our staff at Hicks Dental Group wants you to feel calm and secure about all your dental experiences at our Prescott office.

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (6/25/2018) Wonderlane (Flickr)